Copywriting For PPC Ads vs Your Content



If your job is to create ads and write articles all day, it may be difficult to continue being innovative. You have to constantly write new information about the same topic, putting a fresh spin on it each time.

What The People Want

Think about what you want to read. What questions have you been asked recently about your industry? What features of your products do your customers care most about? Focus on what you and people you know would like to read and you're more likely to reach your target audience.

What do you find annoying about ads? Do you hate specific phrases like "Cheaper than Dirt" or "Buy Now!"? Does rAnDOm capitalization make your head spin?

Make ads and content you like to see and they're less likely to turn other people off.


In PPC ad writing, take advantage of the display URL which allows you to be descriptive and creative, and offers the opportunity to use your keywords. Display URLs also show the user what to expect which can help your clicks convert.

Don't be too creative or "smart" about PPC ad titles; this can look spammy. Focus on appealing calls to action instead.

People want direct articles and ads that convey information. They know when they're being marketed to; trying to hide that just causes friction. So be honest in your ads. A simple call-to-action "buy our ski equipment at 50% off!" can be very effective. It's direct, honest, and brings attention to why your product should be chosen above others.

Content, on the other hand, offers a bit more room for creativity – but don't trade in relevance. Just because you can work the title to a hit song into your title doesn't mean you should. When titles are too much "out there" they lose effectiveness. Users don't understand them, the topic is ambiguous, and search engines have a harder time determining relevance.

Capitalize important words in your titles to make them stand out.

Body Content

While it is important to focus on your targeted keywords, make sure the content is readable. The content has to be easy to understand and readers need to get value from your topic.

Stuffing your copy full of keywords not only looks unnatural and raises red flags for the search engines but also results in sub-par content that fails to bring value to the reader.

Remember that a certain keyword density will not magically boost your site to number one in Google.

If you're writing an article you may want to avoid a sales pitch. The reader is there to be entertained or informed. Convey information about your product and field. Include a link to further relevant information on your site. Readers will appreciate the info and remember where they got it. When linking out to other websites make sure the site has the same goals and a similar audience to yours.

Post from: Search Engine People SEO Blog

Copywriting For PPC Ads vs Your Content

Written by Jeriann Watkins,

via Search Engine People Blog Read More Here..

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