Yelp Updates Its Nearby Tab To Tell Users What’s, Ummm, Nearby


Yelp Nearby First, a confession. I don’t use Yelp. It’s not because there is anything wrong with it, it’s just that I am not the right demographic. I am not an urban dweller who is constantly on the lookout for something to do. As a result, reviews of places don’t apply to me in most cases.

I tell you this because when Yelp announced yesterday about their updated Nearby tab I was interested and saw this in the Yelp blog.

Our updated Nearby tab now offers suggestions based on your location, previous Yelp check-ins and reviews, and Yelp friends as well as other data like the time of day and even the weather. At Yelp, we have an entire community of reviewers that we rely on to suggest places you might not know about, as well as places that you and your friends love. Maybe you’ll discover something new, maybe you’ll understand what the neighborhood has to offer, or maybe you’ll be reminded of an old favorite.

So I guess my only question is, what in the world did this tab do before this update? Isn’t the entire concept of ‘nearby’ based on location, etc., etc?

Anyway, I get that I may not be cool because I am not living the life described at the start of the post with

Many people know that they can turn to Yelp’s mobile apps to look up a great nearby business while they’re on the go, but have you ever found yourself out and about and not knowing exactly what you want? You wander the streets with the distinctive faltering gait of an indecisive luncher, heading toward one option, then changing your mind and lurching in the opposite direction.

Sounds like fun. Sorry I am missing it.

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