Yahoo Launches Revamped Search – Redesign Includes Faster Load Times, New Navigation Bar


Yahoo is continuing it break-neck pace in upgrading its services.

The technology giant today announced its search has received a makeover to ensure that “nothing stands between” the user and his or her results.

Search results are now higher on the page and “thanks to some under-the-hood performance improvements,” the page also loads faster, said Yahoo Search senior vice-president Laurie Mann in a blog post.

The redesign has also introduced a new navigation bar at the top of the page enabling users to browse other Yahoo sites with greater ease. The navigation bar will be rolled out across more Yahoo properties in the coming months.

“If you’re thinking that the new Yahoo search results page looks familiar, there’s a good reason why — the design is consistent with our new Yahoo homepage,” Mann said. “Over the coming months, you’ll see more from Yahoo as we work to deliver a search experience that combines utility with beauty and gets you to your results faster. Today’s news is just our first step.”


CEO Marissa Mayer announced the Yahoo homepage makeover in February and promised more changes “over the coming months.”

The redesign included an “endless” news feed taking center stage on the homepage and tools were introduced to allow users to customize their page based on their interests. For instance, a sports and technology fan can choose to see news items related only to those particular topics.

Other changes included a new ‘Trending Now’ sidebar which reveals the top 10 popular items on the Web at the moment and local weather forecasts and a daily listing of Facebook friends’ birthdays. Yahoo users who log in with their Yahoo IDs or Facebook accounts can also now see articles shared or liked by their friends.

Mayer did a smaller overhaul of the homepage last fall, just a few months after taking the CEO position at Yahoo.


Post from: SiteProNews: Webmaster News & Resources

Yahoo Launches Revamped Search

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