Consumers Paying Attention to Retailers’ Facebook Updates


New data shows that marketing on social media websites is paying off for online retailers.

More than 85 percent of online shoppers who ‘liked’ a brand on Facebook pay attention to company’s status updates as if they were reading a post from a friend, according to a study released by UPS and comScore. A very minimal number of shoppers — less than 15 percent — say they don’t bother to read updates.

While Facebook accounts for 77 percent of social media traffic, users also frequent Twiiter, LinkedIn and Pinterest. In fact, according to a UPS Customer Experience Survey, 33 percent of online shoppers frequent two or three social networking sites. Eighty-eight percent of shoppers are on at least one social network.

This, says UPS, allows retailers a “channel for engagement.”

It’s working.

Sixty percent of Facebook users say they ‘like’ retailers and frequent their business pages in search of special promotions for Facebook fans, while another 47 percent were enticed to ‘like’ a brand because of incentives.

“This finding highlights the importance of Facebook as a marketing channel for retailers given it’s combination of audience reach and engagement with promotional content,” the study reports.

As of May 2013, the top 50 brand pages with the most ‘likes’ on Facebook included Coca-Cola in third with more than 64 million fans, just behind YouTube and Facebook’s own fanpage, according to data on Ignite Social Media. Red Bull, Converse, Oreo, Play Station and Starbucks all ranked within the top 10, while Adidas brought up the rear at No. 50 with slightly more than 13 million fans.

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Consumers Paying Attention to Retailers’ Facebook Updates

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