10 Checks to Ensure Your Twitter Profile is Growing Your Business


Do you just whip out your credit card and randomly make purchases on the Internet? The chances are… you don’t. You visit a site a few times, figure out what it is all about and then whip our credit card if you think the offer is worth it.

For this reason you have to look at channel attribution, if you want to figure out what is causing people to convert. This looks at the first time someone visited your site, the last time and every time in between before they converted.

If you have goal tracking setup in your Google Analytics account you can go to “Goals > Multi-Channel Funnels > Assisted Conversions”. From there you should see an image that looks something like this:

twitter revenue

As you can see from the screenshot above Twitter assisted in 56 conversions. In which $16,800 worth of revenue came from people who came from Twitter at least once before they converted into a customer.

Now that you are convinced social media sites can drive you revenue, you have to make sure you leveraging them to their fullest extent. But instead of focusing on all social sites, today I’m going to give you a 10 point checklist that will help you maximize how much traffic and sales Twitter drives you.

#1: Profile images

There are 3 main images you can add to Twitter: your profile, header, and background image. If your profile is a personal one, make sure you use a picture of yourself as the profile image. As for the header and background image they can represent your company.

twitter image

Within those 2 images I recommend using the logo of your company and leveraging social proof. Such as showcasing some of the companies you work with or your accomplishments.

If you look at my Twitter profile you’ll notice that I include my bio in the background image. And in the header I showcase some of the companies I have worked with.

If you have a corporate Twitter profile you should do the same things I talk about above, but for your profile image use your company logo instead.

#2: Cross promotion

If you have multiple Twitter accounts, such as a company and personal one, you should cross promote them. Not just by linking to your company within the website field, but more so by cross promoting the accounts within your bio.

Here’s my bio:

I’m an entrepreneur, investor, advisor and blogger. I have started two SaaS analytics companies, @CrazyEgg and @KISSmetrics with @hnshah.

If you look at the sentence above you’ll notice that by using the @ symbol I linked to both of my company Twitter profiles as well as my business partner’s. This is a great way to ensure that my followers also see my other Twitter profiles. I can then do the same thing with my company profiles as this will also help build up my personal profile.

You also can cross promote by leveraging pictures and videos. Some of your picture and video tweets can be about your business without being to promotional. For example taking a picture of you at your office, wouldn’t be too promotional, yet you are showcasing your company within the picture.

The same goes with a video… especially if it is educational. If you are able to give advice, such as Moz’s Whiteboard Friday, in video format, people will be learning from you while getting to know your company.

#3: Help people

Twitter is not just about sharing what you do during the day or what you are eating. It’s a community… a social network… so treat it like one. Participate in the community by helping other people out.

Search for tweets related to your industry and answer any questions people have. A good example of this is if I search for “analytics” on Twitter, and answer questions for anyone who has them.

By helping people out you are building goodwill for both your personal and corporate brand.

#4: Network

Most people network with other Twitter users by just following people who tweet about similar topics. And although you should do this as well interact with those members through tweets and direct messages… you can’t stop there.

Make sure you add your location on your profile. I tell people I live in Seattle, WA on my profile. I then take Twitter networking offline by interacting with people who are also on Twitter in my city and share similar interests.

For example I love learning and talking about anything marketing related. If I notice that certain people are sharing great marketing tidbits, not only will I follow them, but I will direct message them asking to grab drinks.

When doing this, make sure you interact with them a few times via Twitter first. Asking to meetup for coffee or drinks can be a bit creepy if you don’t get to know someone first.

Through this method I’ve not only built up great business relationships with a few powerful people, but I’ve gain a lot of new friends at the same time. And a few of those friends even drove customers our way at KISSmetrics.

#5: Place buttons on your site

A good way to increase your Twitter traffic, is to actually promote Twitter on your site. From follow us on Twitter buttons within your sidebar and footer, to tweet this blog post, you should be nudging your customers to engage with you on Twitter.

The best way to do this is by:

  • Limiting how many social networks you promote on your site. If you link out to a handful of social sites, your visitors won’t know which ones to click. You should ideally be linking out to one or two. If you have a lot of traffic, consider three.

  • Leveraging social plugins like Sharebar or Flare will help your content spread further on Twitter.

  • Asking your readers to tweet your content also helps encourage social shares.

  • Ensuring your mobile site also contains social sharing buttons will help increase your overall traffic.

#6: Twitter card

There are millions of tweets on Twitter each day. So why should someone read a tweet about your site?

twitter card

Tweeting great content helps, but that isn’t enough these days. You need to start using Twitter cards. If you aren’t too familiar with Twitter cards, it’s a program that helps showcase your content and images from your site on Twitter.

If you have a content rich website, you should follow this guide to get included in Twitter’s card program.

#7: Gain followers

The more relevant followers you have, the better off you are. If you want to gain followers you can do the simple stuff like adding follow me on Twitter buttons to your site, but that won’t get you as many followers as you may want.

You have to get creative if you want to grow your follower count. One of the most creative strategies I’ve seen is how WetPaint uses content blockers to gain followers:


You should also try using promoted tweets to gain relevant followers.

Or if you don’t have an advertising budget you can do it the free way. Every time you speak at conferences or do a webinar, make sure you let people know your Twitter handle. Or when you do an interview, mention your Twitter handle.

If you are a bit shy, you can do it the old school way by just tweeting great information. Just make sure you use hashtags and you follow the tips in this infographic as it will help your account get out there.

#8: Support

Years ago, when you customers weren’t happy, they could only call you and complain. Now customers have Twitter as their platform to talk badly about your company.

The last thing you want is people bad mouthing you and your company in public. To help prevent this you should use Twitter as a way to communicate and support your customers.

If you see them talking about your business or asking questions, make sure you respond to them. If they are unhappy, try to solve it and make them happy.

If they are ecstatic with your business, make sure you retweet a few of their tweets… especially any that talk about your company. You can also reward the ones that continually tweet great things about your business by mailing them t-shirts or stickers. People love free swag, so give it to them.

#9: Don’t forget your team

As your company grows, so will your head count. And the chances are, many of your team members will also be on Twitter. So try to communicate with them online by tweeting at them, retweeting a few of their things, and even asking them to tweet about the company.

This is a great way to get more people to learn about your business as the followers your employees have probably will be different than your followers. It will be a whole new audience that you can tap into. J

Just don’t force your team members to retweet certain things because if they don’t feel comfortable you shouldn’t push them. This will also tell you how good your product or service is or even your tweets are. If they are great, your team members will gladly want to retweet them.

#10: Optimize

Although this is the last item on your checklist, it’s one that should be used on a daily basis. Without optimizing and tweaking everything, you won’t be able to maximize how much revenue you can make from Twitter.

You should first look at tools such as Simply Measured, in which they can break down the demographics of your followers, when they most log into Twitter, what they prefer and when you should even tweet.

You can then take that data and use tools like Hootsuite to schedule out your tweets so that you maximize your reach.

I myself love optimizing my Twitter profile and I’ve learned over the years that most people won’t even see your tweets. So if you have something important to say, make sure you tweet it out multiple times over the course of a week.

In addition to that there are a lot of studies and data about Twitter all over the web. Such as this infographic tells you what time and days you should tweet.


Don’t be fooled by the critics, there is a lot of money to be made from Twitter. Just look at the image at the beginning of this blog post, it shows how one site leverages Twitter to generate over $16,000 in monthly income.

Now that’s pretty good!

Because Twitter has been out for years, you are probably already using it and are very familiar with it. But the real question is, have you been tweaking your profile to do all of the things mentioned above?

And if you know of any other things that should be on this check list, but aren’t, feel free to leave a comment.

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