Announcing the For Bloggers By Bloggers 30 Day WordPress Workout Program


For Bloggers By Bloggers WordPress video tutorialsOne of the things we’ve always tried to do here at For Bloggers By Bloggers is offer you the most relevant and helpful information to help you grow your blog.

We’d like to think that our tips and posts are helpful, and have helped you get more results from your own blogging goals, whatever they may be.

However, going by emails we’ve received and comments left on various posts, it’s clear that we also have a lot of new bloggers in our audience, or people that are looking to start blogging – the problem is, they don’t know how.

While there are many reasons shared, the biggest one is “How do I start a blog and which platform do I choose?”.

Taking that into consideration, and being that all our team are die-hard fans of the WordPress platform, we’ve created a special course to help you, the new or prospective blogger.

Introducing the For Bloggers by Bloggers 30 Day WordPress Workout Program™!

So How Does It Work?

While written blogs are great for sharing advice, more often than not people react better and learn more from visual aids. It’s why we’ve produced graphics and videos in the past to help get a certain point across.

With that in mind, we’ve created a comprehensive 20-part video series that will take you through the complete WordPress experience when starting your blog.

From choosing which version of WordPress to use, to understanding how custom menus operate, to working with themes, plugins, multiple users and more, the For Bloggers By Bloggers 30 Day WordPress Program™ is designed with you in mind.

We’ll help you choose the right option, get set up, choose a theme, help decide the best plugins for your blog, and much, much more.

As well as the 20-part video series, we’ll be providing you with free ebooks to complement the videos, as well as set up a support area (optional membership) for “What Next?” questions.

Who’s It For?

As I mentioned earlier, we have a lot of new bloggers, and bloggers-to-be, in our audience. We also have bloggers that are on other blog platforms, but are curious about making the switch to WordPress.

This video series is for you.

It will help you understand the benefits of WordPress, and all the bells and whistles behind the scenes of the WordPress dashboard.

Complemented by our ebooks and membership section, the video series will really help you become a fully fledged WordPress blogger in 30 days or less (of course, this depends on the time you can allocate).

And, we’ll still be posting all our usual blog tips here at For Bloggers By Bloggers for you to take advantage of, and use on your newly-created WordPress blog.

How Much Will It Cost?

The full 20-part video series and ebooks will have a price of $67. However, there will be a special introductory price of $37 at launch, and you can sign up using the form at the end of this post to be alerted to the release, and receive your FBBB discount code to get the $37 price.

Additionally, we may be releasing each video in the series individually, so you can pick and choose which modules are best for your needs. Pricing on this is still to be confirmed, but expect them to be around the $5 price per video.

Membership fees will be low, and we’re looking at how best to serve you – and also how to make sure your membership (if you decide to join that area) is really valuable to you.

So, we’d be offering strategies, offers, partners and more that we’d normally charge consultancy fees for, but for our member area, these costs will be greatly reduced.

Again, we want to make sure we have this nailed down so you really get a valuable offering, so we’ll announce that pricing soon as well, but expect it to be low, around the $20 per month range.

Ready to Get Blogging?

With all that having been said, here’s a taster video of the course series. The full 20-part version follows this format and, as you can see, is very easy to follow and clearly laid out.

We want to make sure you don’t get lost with a bunch of buzzwords and technical talk – after all, that’s not why you’d be interested in this series!

We hope to see you there when we launch, and make sure you sign up below for updates on when the For Bloggers By Bloggers 30 Day WordPress Workout™ is launched and to get your special discount code!

FBBB 30 Day WordPress Workout Pre-Launch Update

Hi, and thanks for your interest in the For Bloggers By Bloggers 30 Day WordPress Workout™.

We’re really excited to be launching this 20-part video series, and helping you understand WordPress better and get up to speed on your new blog.

To get updated on the official launch, as well as receive your special discount code, simply enter your details below (we value your privacy and will never spam you).

Thanks, and we’ll be emailing you soon!

Announcing the For Bloggers By Bloggers 30 Day WordPress Workout Program originally appeared on For Bloggers By Bloggers – Blogging Tips | Blog Design | Blog Themes | Grow Your Blog under a Creative Commons license.

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